Rick West


I have been a member of the Colorado Potters guild since 2000.  My clay practice began in 1984 while living in Chaco Canyon NM.  I watched a video on Maria Martinez that showed how she created her wonderful black pottery.  It inspired me to collect sand and clay from nearby.  I mixed my clay, rolled coils and built small bowls and pots from these coils.  I collected dried juniper wood, dried cow pies and horse manure for my firing fuels.  I made a pit fire filled with my creations, lit the juniper and eventually smothered the hot pit with soil to trap in the black smoke from the fuels to color my vessels.  The results were fantastic and that was it, I was hooked!  I eventually got a small electric kiln and played around with different forms.  It wasn’t until I joined the guild that my practice really blossomed.  I love making functional pieces now, both for use at home and to sell.



Dinnerware, platters, bowls, mugs